


Geographical Features (地勢) 

While Hokkaido is located in the northernmost part of Japan, it is on almost the same latitude as many major overseas cities like Chicago, Montreal, Rome, and Barcelona. Hokkaido is the largest of Japan's 47 prefectures and accounts for about 22% of the country's total land area. It is 38 times larger than Japan's capital city of Tokyo and has almost the same land area as the country of Austria. 


Nature and Climate (自然・気候)

Hokkaido has four distinct seasons, each with its own unique and magnificent natural splendors. In spring, tulips and the ground-hugging, pink-flowered moss phlox plants bloom all over the fields. In summer, cool and refreshing air carries the scents of sweet flowers like lavender and lilac. In autumn, trees are painted in a beautiful, warm gradation of colors, and in winter, shining white snow covers the land, and starkly, beautifully contrasts with the clear blue sky.


History (歴史)

 Hokkaido, once called "Ezochi," was the backdrop against which the indigenous Ainu people developed their unique culture. Traces of their rich culture, things like the Ainu language, their traditional embroidery and wood crafts, and performing arts and instruments, can still be seen in our daily lives even now. For example, many place-names in Hokkaido come from the Ainu language, including the name “Sapporo.”   

However, in 1869, the Japanese Government of the time changed the island’s name from "Ezochi" to "Hokkaido," claiming it as a Japanese territory. Thus began pioneering efforts in earnest. At this time, people from other parts of Japan moved to Hokkaido, and detrimentally impacted the lifestyle and culture of the Ainu.

In July 2020, the National Ainu Museum and Park officially opened in Shiraoi Town, Hokkaido. The museum is called "Upopoy" which means "singing in a large group," and is considered as a base for the revival and further development of Ainu culture, as well as a symbol of a future society that respects the dignity of indigenous peoples and the variety of cultures without discrimination.



2020年7月、北海道の白老町に、アイヌ文化の国立民族博物館が新たにつくられました。 この博物館は「ウポポイ(大勢で歌うという意味)」と命名され、アイヌ文化を復興・発展させる拠点として、また、先住民族の尊厳を尊重し、差別のない多様で豊かな文化を持つ社会を築いていくための象徴として、位置づけられています。

Industry (産業)

When you compare Hokkaido with other prefectures, it is naturally extremely cold. Regardless of this difficult natural condition, Hokkaido has been developing various agricultural industries, such as rice farming, crop farming, dairy farming, and stock raising, with high productivity on our vast natural stage. Boasting top-level productivity in a variety of agricultural products such as wheat, soybeans, potatoes, onions, pumpkins, and livestock products such as milk, beef, and so on, Hokkaido plays an important role as the main food supplying region in Japan. Moreover, surrounded by three different bodies of water—the Sea of Japan, the Pacific Ocean, and the Sea of Okhotsk—there are rich and plentiful fishing spots that make the marine products industry a key industry. Hokkaido is a treasure trove of various different seafood such as scallops, salmon, saury, and many others.


Food Culture (食文化)

Hokkaido is also famous for its various tasty foods which attract many people from both inside and outside of Japan: delicious dishes made from fresh ingredients gathered from the sea and mountains, unique dishes such as soup curry and Genghis Khan (mutton barbecue), and sweets made from fresh dairy products, to name a few. Each region has developed a food culture special to them using local specialties so there are a variety of new tastes regardless of where you go.

新鮮な海の幸・山の幸を活かした料理、スープカレーやジンギスカンなどの独自料理、新鮮な乳製品から生まれるスイーツなど、国内外多くの人を魅了する食の王国としても、北海道は有名です。  それぞれの地域が、特産品を利用した個性的な食文化を育んでいるため、行く先々で新たな美味しさに出会うことができます。 

Tourism and Events (観光・行事)

A variety of events and festivals are held throughout the year in Hokkaido. Especially in Sapporo City, there are numerous large-scale festivals which attract a lot of overseas tourists every year. One such festival is the Yosakoi Soran Festival in June. Many dancers in colorful costumes holding musical instruments called naruko dance animatedly to the melody of “Soran Bushi,” a traditional folk song of Hokkaido. Another festival that attracts many tourists is the Sapporo Snow Festival in February, where huge and impressive snow statues and beautiful ice sculptures line the streets.





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